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Established the first national platform "Chapter 20"

In March 2018, the first National Platform for Enterprise and Industrial Policy "Chapter 20" was established. The Platform, composed of 47 members: active actors from the civil society  sector, policy makers and relevant institutions acting in the negotiation  of chapter  20 - Enterprises and industrial policy, aims to actively engage in the reform process as an important stakeholder in the public-private dialogue.
The platform will contribute to the active involvement in the reform process of Chapter 20 through numerous activities of its members: it will create its own resource center with materials relevant to monitoring the reform priorities of Chapter 20 to enforce the transfer of knowledge and coordination between civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders at the national level. The platform will actively work on strengthening the capacities of CSOs for policy creation and monitoring through the organization of: trainings, webinars, expert meetings, forums for sharing good practices, research and other activities.
The platform aims actively to contribute to the monitoring and realization of key reform priorities through implementation of activities and conducting analyzes with recommendations for improving the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, improving the dialogue with the business community, improving the business environment for creating new businesses and providing better access to finance.
The work of the Platform will be defined with an annual Action Plan in line with the needs identified by the stakeholder analysis in the area of ​​Chapter 20, and it will define the main objectives and activities for achieving the objectives.
The platform was created within the project "Strengthening capacities and mechanisms for supporting Chapter 20 reform processes" funded by the European Union through the IPA Program for Civil Society Facility and Media Programme