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Areas of Chapter 20

1. Principles of Enterprise and Industrial Policy
2. Instruments of Enterprise and Industrial Policy
3. Sectoral policies

EU law in the chapter Enterprise and industrial policy consists of principles and instruments that are covered in the recommendations and conclusions of the Council of Europe and at EU level are most often implemented through EU programs. This negotiating chapter also contains sectoral policies. The EU Enterprise and Industry Policy is mainly guided by the Europe 2020 Strategy.

By establishing general political principles, the EU seeks to accelerate structural change and promote an environment appropriate for creating businesses, for domestic and foreign investment, promotion of SMEs and entrepreneurship and innovation. More specifically, the EU SME policy is characterized by recommendations and common audit mechanisms contained in the Small Business Act as well as in the established definition of SMEs.

The instruments of enterprise policy and industrial policy have been developed in the EU Competitiveness Program for Small and Medium Enterprises (COSME). This program provides financial support to businesses and policy makers and focuses on actions that promote access to finance and markets, business services such as Enterprise Europe Network, European and national innovation policies to support SMEs. An important tool is the 2011/7 / EU Directive to combat late payment in commercial transactions.

Through sectoral policies, the EU promotes a more focused analysis of specific sectors and initiates activities for specific sectors, such as high-level groups, policy forums, studies and panels, as well as networking initiatives.

The formulation and implementation of enterprise and industrial policy policies require appropriate administrative capacity at national, regional and local level, including effective consultation processes and mechanisms for collaboration with key stakeholders such as industry associations.