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Toolkit for Creation of policies in Chapter 20


This toolkit aims to provide a complete and detailed framework for the policy-making process in Chapter 20. In this context, the manual explains the theoretical aspects of the policy-making process and offers practical examples of successful policies in Chapter 20 in order to illustrate the practical aspects and the application of the various tools and instruments available to policymakers.

Toolkit for Analysis of public policies, Preparation of documents for public policies and Representation and Communication of public policy recommendations in Chapter 20


This toolkit aims to present to readers the process of analysis of public policy, the types of analysis that may arise from perceiving or observing a given policy solution or program, and documents in which that analysis can be “packaged”. In addition, the toolkit provides knowledge of how to communicate and place a particular document or finding in the public, as well as ways to influence decision-makers in order to persuade them and assure that a new political solution is needed or a change to the existing one for the purpose of advancement of the standard and well-being of the citizens.

Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluation of policies in Chapter 20


The Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluation of policies in Chapter 20 is tasked with developing a methodological framework for the processes of monitoring and evaluation of public policies in Chapter 20 - Enterprise and Industrial Policy. The approach to be used when building the framework is based on its applicability and practicality, or in different words- the frame needs to be a useful and appropriate tool for monitoring and evaluating public policies, especially in Chapter 20, but also in the other Chapters and areas.

The Guide for Financing Innovation for SMEs


The Guide for Financing Innovation for SMEs defines the role and importance of finance for the innovation process, describes the actors and mechanisms in the process of financing innovation, and offers an overview of European and national sources and funding opportunities.

The Innovation Guide for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)


The Innovation Guide for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) provides information on the basic tools used in various SMEs to support innovation and is intended to help the decision-making process for the usefulness of applying a particular innovation tool, to what extent it meets the defined objectives and the work environment. At the same time, the guide is the first practical manual in the field of innovation management available in Macedonian language.
